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Ja ich will! ;)
Einziges Problem ist die Sache mit dem Kontakt aufnehmen...kann...
l.v.92 - 30. Nov, 13:45
Der Workshop sieht echt...
Der Workshop sieht echt interessant aus. Schade dass...
Lorna Affenspiele - 20. Nov, 14:38
Bouffonworkshop 3/4....
Der Bouffon ist ein Außenseiter: ein Lahmer, ein beinloser...
Arbana - 20. Okt, 15:43
MItstreiterInnen gesucht
*Los Cabrones,* ein kleines und ganz junges unabhängiges...
Arbana - 27. Mai, 18:35
EUROMAYDAY 009 - Hamburg...
Hallo liebe Rebel Clown Army, wir - der Euromayday,...
titoristo - 29. Apr, 17:57



März 2025

G8 Heiligendamm: Proclamation of Terms; Points of Action and Homebases of the Clownarmy - - - - - - - - X - - - - - - - - G8 à Heiligendamm: informations concernant les horaires, les lieux d'actions et de ravitaillement de l'armée de clowns.

To ALL you Rebel Noses from everywhere!! Here come some of the most important dates already and again

A tous les nez rebels de partout: Voici les infos les olus importantes.

31.5. 6pm/ 18.00
  • please diskuss in your gaggle bevore the conference starts what ideas you can bring with, what you prefer and what support you need and send only one clown into the meeting.

    Conférence tactique de l'armée des clowns intergalactiques sur la réoccupation du bombodrom (site militaire). lieu: Bioland Farm Zempow, Birkenallee 12, 16837 Zempow, Phone 033923 769 / mobil 0173 20 58 506 Don`t call if not necessary, please.
    Svp, discutez avant la conférence dans votre groupe Gaggle des idées que vous voulez apporter, de vos préférences, du soutine dont vous avez besoin et n'envoyez qu'un seul clown (plus traducteur) à la réunion.

    BomBomDrome Infotel: 0174 355 89 63

    31.5. - 2.6.
    Homebase for all Clown Army Batallions joining the resettlement of the Bomodrome:
    Organic Farm Zempow, Birkenallee 12, 16837 Zempow

    Lieu de rassemblement principal des bataillions de clowns qui participent à la réoccupation du Bombodrom: Bioland Farm Zempow, Birkenallee 12, 16837 Zempow
    Map/ Carte du Wittstock-Zempow(jpeg,39KB)
    Bombomdrom(jpeg, 136 KB)

    Anreise / how to get there / recit de voyage

    Zug / Train :

    Mirow (Distance 14 km - no Autobus-line)
    or/ ou Rheinsberg (Bus 785 to Flecken Zechlin, 793 to Zempow)
    or/ ou Wittstock (Bus 746)

    Departure of the clowncaravan from Zempow/ BOMBOMEDROME to the clownbarrio in the CAMP WICHMANNSDORF at the Baltic Sea.

    Départ de la caravane des clowns de Zempow/ BOMBOMEDROME zum Clownbarrio au CAMP WICHMANNSDORF au bord de la mer Baltique.

    4.6. : 8pm:/ 20.°°

    • Conférence tactique de l'armée des clowns intergalactiques sur les journées d'actions antimilitaristes à Rostock-Laage. Lieu : Camp Wichmannsdorf
      francaise camping 07

      Details about the CLownbarrio Wichmannsdorf, what you should bring with, how you find it:

      With great pleasure we now can offer you another clowncamp near Heiligendamm. It is situated
      in the "Kühlung" hills on the Hoppenberg, 18230 Kröpelin (Wichmannsdorf)

      The camp site is a meadow 6 ha in size in the midst of the hills of "Kühlung" (which literally means "Cooling") on the Hoppenberg close to Wichmannsdorf (community of Kröpelin), just to the South of Kühlungsborn. With the consent of the mayor of Kröpelin, a farmer has leased us the land for constructing our camp. It offers space for 1500 to 3000 people.

      The preparatory group from anti-nuclear contexts will provide for meeting and workshop tents; an Indymedia tent and an information point will guarantee that we stay at the centre of events. The "mobile music" truck from Wendland is the scene for artists of all kind.

      Next to an idyllic meadow with view on the Baltic coast, we promise you a couple of days of intensive self-organisation. There will be an infrastructure with popular kitchens, prefabricated toilets, a sanitary area etc. Please take care yourself to bring sleeping bag, isothermal mat and a tent.

      Please bring with you: sleeping bag, isomat, a tent, silverware and dishes for the soup kitchen, foodstuffs, bucket or water cans, pocket lamps, maps/compasses, bikes, balls of wool.


      *How to get there?*

      * *

      *Unfortunately, the camp cannot be reached by public short-distance transport, so shuttels will be organised.
      (Contactnumber will be offerd soon) *

      */By car: /*

      /From the South: /On highway A20 (Wismar/Rostock); Exit Kröpelin (connection 12), continue for about 15 km to the North until Kröpelin, from there by way of the 122 ("Reriker Chaussee") in the direction of Boldenshagen, and after 5 km to your right to Wichmannsdorf, straight ahead through the village in the direction "Zur Ostsee" and then yet another 1 km on a gravel road up Hoppenberg.

      /From Kühlungsborn: /from L11 (Schlossstr.) shortly before the "Kühlung", turn to your right on "Am Holm", cross/ /the forest and pass the hill in the direction of Hoppenberg.

        repression started

        Dear loveley Clowns

        The countdown is started. The police in germany starts the police - repression against the Anti G8 Strukures.

        More than 40 alternative selforganised projekts have been searched by the police the last day with the argumentation to prevent terroristic attacks against the kapitalistic summit of the self proglaimed leaders G8.

        Amongst then the „rote flora“ in Hamburg, „Bethanien“ in Berlin and the „M.A.U.S.“ in Bremen.

        People who attempt to hinder the police have been arested. This shows that the police features a cero – tolerance – strategie.

        But the last night nearly 20 000 people have been on the streets to show there solidarity all over.

        Whe will show with our laughter that the clandestine intergalactic rebel clown army will invade this rude planet to overtake it with the clownpower of our hearts and the strenght of our imagination, brightness and delight tho undermine authority in any way it will apear and in any uniform it will camoflage ist dirty face. Whe will apear at the places of repression and assist the movement against the G8 selfproclaimed authoritys, in germany and everywhere.

        Whe will meet at the camp zempov near the bombomdrome at 31.05. 07 about 6 pm to plan the restelement of the bombomdrome.

        Those who whant come earlier, are invited.

        After that whe will meet again at the 4. June in the clownbarrio near Heiligendamm. Whereever it will be. The place is not sure at the moment, will be offered at last at the bombomdrome meeting or

        Stay rude and rebel!!!

        Cp Bep

        for more informations look here:

        Invitation to the Clown Camp at the Bombomdrome

        And it is situated at the wonderful Bioland Ranch Zempow. We have enough accomodation there - either in our ClownTents - or very romantic: in the hay! Normally it makes about 5 Euro per night and person. And in the surrounding: nicest landscape and a lot of possibilities to play, romp, marsh, build, make up...

        Actually you just have to yell now "Oh yezzz - let's all... set off to the Great ClownsCamp Zampanow!!!" - and go... As mentioned, the ClownCircuscaravan will also arrive here - and here come some more information where it is and how to get there (maps in the attach!!!):

        by car:

        - from Berlin along the A 24 to exit Neuruppin - go though Neuruppin straight on - further via Rheinsberg to Flecken Zechlin - then look for the sign to ZEMPOW
        - from Hamburg along the A 24 to exit Wittstock - go through it in the direction Röbel - then look for the signs to Sewekow - then you will find the sign to ZEMPOW

        by train:

        - from Berlin to Mirow or to Wittstock
        - from Hamburg to Wittstock
        - then by bus to Buschhof - then we can pick you up there


        Bioland Ranch Zempow
        Birkenallee 12 · 16837 Zempow ·
        Tel. 033923 769 15


        It would be great if you give us an answer - then we know how many Clowns we will be. Hope we see, hear, play together soon - all love and funny stuff - see you

        Lt. Fox

        Cpt. Bep & ObersterGefreiter Geck
        Interplanetary Rebel Clown Army:

        ClownCircusCaravan: or 0175 9620785

        more information here:

        Wittstock-Zempow (jpeg, 39 KB)

        BomBomDrom (jpeg, 136 KB)

        Intergalaktischer Clownarmytestflug nach Heiligendamm mit Sicherheitsinspektion des Zauns

        Clowntestflug nach Heiligendamm

        29.April 13.00 Demo und Zaunspaziergang
        zum 21. Jahrestag von Tschernobyl
        in Heiligendamm

        Die Interplanetary Rebel Clownarmy hat beschlossen ihre erste Intergalaktische Spähtruppe auf den Planaten Erde zu entsenden um den dort stationierten Sicherheitsbodentruppen klar zu machen das die Invasion der Erde durch unsere Rebel Flying Airborne Noses unmittelbar bevorsteht und die Truppen der IRCA für die letzte Schlacht des Humors und der Lebensfreude gegen die todbringende Vernunft und Logik der G8 in Stellung gegangen sind.

        Der Jahrestag von Tschernobyl wurde dafür gewählt um denjenigen zu zeigen, die hinter verschlossenen Türen und meterhohen Zäunen im Namen der Vernunft die Verseuchung ganzer Planeten planen, Kriege anzetteln und Grenzen errichten, die legdiglich ihren Interessen dienen, das wir mutwillige Zerstörung der Galaxie, Ausgrenzung und Zerstörung der Lebensgrundlage von Abermillionen nicht hinnehmen werden.

        Um unseren guten Willen zu zeigen werden wir uns mit den Sicherheitskräften des Gipfelschutzes fraternisieren und erst bei Zuwiederhandlung und Widerstand die technische Zwangsentnormung vollstrecken.

        Ufos fliegen ab aus Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen, Lüneburg/Wendland

        Weitere Infos sind auf dissentnetzwerk zu finden
        oder bei der Kommandatur der Eingreiftruppe:


        G8-CLownflyer (pdf, 317 KB)

        The first interplanetary rebel clownarmy invasion

        C.I.R.C.A Rekruitmentvideo

        Undercover Rebel Clown Army

        Überall wo Autoritäten auftauchen - in der U-Bahn, im Zug, auf der Straße:

        Humor auspacken: Herrschaft unterminieren.



        Unvollständig: Bitte ergänzen!

        Ein Aufruf jagt den nächsten und es werden weitere folgen. Nichts desto trotz hier noch ein neuer, der aber in den nächsten Tagen noch genauer ausgeführt, diskutiert und ergänzt werden soll.
        Mittlerweile gibt’s nämlich eine Campgruppe aus dem Wendland die ein Camp für mehrere tausend Menschen mit Barriostruktur (-getthoähnliche Einheiten) organisisieren werrden und die angefragt hat ob die Clownarmy die Verantwortung für ein Barrio übernehmen will – eventuell auch in Verbindung mit anderen kreativen AktivistInnen wie Pink Silver etc, das für ca 600 Menschen Rückzugsmöglichkeiten, Platz zum Schlafen, essen, spielen, plenieren bieten soll.

        Wir gehen ebenfalls mittlerweile davon aus das sich mehrere hundert Clowns aus ganz Europa auf den Weg machen werden nach Heiligendamm.

        Ein Clown – Barrio, vielleicht auch mit Pink -Silver, Samba ect zusammen ist überlegenswert.

        Deswegen richtet sich dieser Aufruf vor allem an Clowns die mittlerweile durch Trainings und Aktionen organisiert sind sich mal mit ihren Gaggles zu treffen und rumzuspinnen was für Support sie mitbringen können, damit das Clownbarrio zu einem lebensfreudigen Ort werden kann.

        Für alle Bereiche werden noch Leute gesucht und Materialien. Fragt also rum, was an Eurer Uni und in Eurer Stadt zu haben ist.

        Hier giebts mal eine Liste von Fragen die vorab geklärt werden sollen: (Bitte erweitern)

        Wer hatg Zugang zu Resourcen (Zelte, Küche, Plakate, Tische, Holz, etc)
        AstA etc und kann da Geld locker machen

        Wie sieht es aus mit Trainings auf dem Camp für neue die bei uns mitmachen oder mitschnupern wollen und wer kümmert sich darum:
        (Trainingsmaterial und erfahrung steht mittlerweile zur Verfügung)

        wer koordniiert das?

        Öffentlichkeitsarbeit? Flyer/Plakate und Presseerklärung, Umgang damit?

        Kommunikation: Was für Plenumsstrukturen wollen wir aufbauen?

        Wie erreichen wir größmögliche Aktionseffizienz mit geringsmöglichem Plenumsaufwand?
        Wie kommunizieren wir mit den anderen Gruppen?

        Infopunkte/Plakatwände mit Terminen etc.

        wo bündeln wir die ganzen Infos?

        Wer nimmt Kontakt auf zu den Clownaktivisten aus England, die in Gleneagels schon Erfahrung gesammelt haben und diese vielleicht einbringen wollen?

        Damit alles nicht über eine eMail laufen muß, und um unnötige Massenmails zu vermeiden, gibt’s hier einen Link zu einer Mailingliste die wir nutzen können für die G8 Vernetzung der Clowns:

        Mailingliste abbonieren

        First Interplanetary Rebel Clown Army Mobilisation*

        Dear Clowns!
        bull hat sein käppi verloren, clown soll ihn wieder geben...

        It is with great pleasure that we launch this call for an *interplanetary rebel clown army* mobilisation around the G8 summit that will take place in Germany at the start of June 2007.

        The Summit will take place in *Heiligendamm*, Germany from 6th to 8th Germany. It brings together the leaders of the 8 self-decalred most powerful nations on Earth. They will plan the further domination of people and the planet...

        This mail sets out a *timetable* for the events where you might be able to find other rebel clown army gaggles, and other events that you might want to get involved with!

        It also includes a couple of ideas for a "*clown logic*" that we might use as the basis for actions. Feedback is very welcome, before the call gets spread much wider (once some practical things are known).

        There are is some practical information, but more news will come on that.

        This is not the final plan for the clowns at the G8.
        It is a first attempt.

        *Be creative. Send us your ideas. Tell us if you're interested in coming!

        General contact point for actions:*

        In the run up to the summit, there are *many actions* being planned in the region.
        Here is a proposal for how clowns might get involed.

        *Clown Caravan*
        The G8 mobilisation begins with a caravan of Rebel Clowns from Wendland to Heiligendamm. The caravan begins on 28th May, and will arrive at the Bombodrom in time to prepare the actions there. If you're interested in joining, contact: or +49 (0)175 9620785

        *1st June: Bombomdrom
        *An action is being prepared for 1st June at the Bombodrom, an area of land that NATO wants to use as a bombing practice area. If the plans go ahead, it will be the largest and most important military area in Europe. There has been resistance against this plan by local people for many years, and the action is supported by many non-violent action groups, under the slogan: "From Bombodrom via Rostock-Laage to Heiligendamm"

        This will be a great place to bring rebel clowns/clown army together, especially people who want to get to the area before the start of the summit to make some plans. The goal is a mass mobilisation of clowns.
        The practical details (meeting point and time, accommodation etc.) should be known soon.

        We would like to plan some common elements for this action, that bring clowns together, including some common manouvres that we can do, and common visual aspects.

        A couple of ideas for Clown Logic:
        The Clown's BomBomDrom!*
        Well, dear Clowns, the actual, bad and awful B is situated in Brandenburg, nearby Wittstock, about 80 km in the NorthWest of Berlin (and about 100km away from Rostock). That is an area of the former GDR. You should like to know that the 1st of June, the main Action Day at Bombodrom, was the International Day of Children or "Children's Day" for forty years - and a lot of people are still celebrating this special day up to now. So, there will be involved some local groups to offer something special for the little participants at this Action Day - for example the "Commitee for Basic Rights" with an international collection of signatures of children which is called "Holidays from War"; or a music group called "Lebenslaute" - Sounds of Life what means also Lute of Life... That means, on one hand, the Clowns do not have to fear to become the FunProgramme for kids - and: We have to make sure that they will not stick to the lovely Clowns, because there are some "Blindgänger" (explosive rests of military stuff) on the area of the real Bombodrom which was used by the Soviet Army till 1989! (You will get strategic maps of the area...)

        The Action Day is announced as the Day of New Settlement and of Civil Re-Occupation. So, on the other hand: Let us use this chance to build our own Clown's BomBomDrom! Our own playground and airport... - We could construct our own TargetPyramides. The Army set one big pyramide at their B - as the target for their destructive power - and a local female artist prepared similar wooden models of it to spread the protest wider by using this symbol: "Every target is a home" is the slogan of the protesters - and the aim is to make as much as possible of these pyramides pink!
        The Clown's Bombomdrom pyramides could be of shimmering and brilliant colours and will be best scaffoldings for climbing! And - we might have our own bombs: *WaterBombs, StinkBombs, IcecreamBoms, Bonbons, ColourBombs, ConfettiBombs, SmokeBombs...*

        It is also advantageous that the 1st of June is a Friday- so that people who will not have the time and space to attend the following days of the G8-Protest could also come just for that action day. And, for those Clowns who will have the energy, time and possibility: It might be the best to meet a few days before the first of June in case we will have the better accomodation together then - and to get the chance to prepare something in advance...
        Two of the BicycleCaravan have also announced they are coming - the G8-Bikeride Karawane will arrive there at 24.5. and the Gr8Chaoskaravaan at 30.5.07...

        *First Interplanetary Rebel Clown Army Mobilisation*
        Rebel clowns from of the other 8 planets in the solar system (the P8?) are upset with the direct that the Earth is taking, and have decided to visit the G8 meeting in Heiligendamm to make their objections clear. They are especially unhappy with the emerging threat from the self-proclaimed leaders of the "rogue planet" earth, as the rest of the galaxy is organised non-hierarchically.
        It is clear that "resistance from below" needs a bit of help with some "resistance from above".

        The mobilisisation of an interplanetary rebel clown army obviously needs a parking space for rebel clown army space ships. And *what better place to park your space ships than the Bombomdrom*?

        The pink pyramids (already a symbol of resistance at the Bombodrom) are a great "beacon" to guide the spaceships.
        We can call for rebel clown army gaggles from Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
        Bring something to show which planet your gaggle is from.

        [ | | | |]

        *2nd June: mass demonstration in Rostock.
        *We don't propose a mass clown call for the big demonstration in Rostock, as it is too soon after the Bombomdrom action.
        But, it would be good to make plans for clowns who want to go there, and to the other actions.
        [ | ]

        *3rd June: Agriculture action day; Start of an international week of actions against G8
        *[ |]

        *4th June: Migration action day
        *[ | ]

        *5th June: Action at Rostock-Laage Airport
        *On 5th June there will be an anti-militarist action at Rostock-Laage military airport, where many of the G8 leaders will arrive.
        Clowns may move there on the way to Heiligendamm.
        We could use the idea of the interplanetary rebel clown army again here.
        This action (and the other actions before the G8) can be put in the context of a "sightseeing tour" for visitors from the other planets.

        [ | | | | ]

        Blockades are being planned for the 4th-7th, autonomous rebel clown army actions are possible.
        *[ | | ]

        *7th June: Star March to Heiligendamm, from Nienhagen, Kühlungsborn, Bad Doberan, Kröpelin
        *What could be a better place for our interplanetary rebel clown army guests than a "Star March"?
        The clowns will pick an arm of the "Star-March", for a mass mobilisation of the clowns.
        The exact plan for of action can be planned by clowns who arrive in advance.

        Information on the camps and more practical info will come later via the general contacts (they have contact with camp working group), let them know if you want to receive this info! There are plans for two (or more) camps - and it is quite important which camp the clowns would chose (see the websites about the different groups and movements which are in with the preparation of the protests...)

        We also plan to work out a standard training for new groups and existing groups who want to prepare for the G8.
        This still needs to be worked out, but there are people who have been trained to be trainers in Gent. People from this group may be willing to travel to your region, to give this training.

        *And Now... some questions for you!
        *We want to know if clowns are willing to come, and with how many?
        Does this action idea interest you?
        What support do you need?
        What support can you give? (people willing to do "office" support or practical support in the area before the action)
        What format should the international call take?
        Please give feedback within 2 weeks, as we plan to send an international call more widely, once more practical info is known

        oh clown, die fährt auch noch mit dem bullen-motorrad

        G8-CLownflyer (pdf, 317 KB)

        Trainings wann/wo

        3/4. November 10 - 18 h Bouffonworkshop in Berlin, Bethanien




        Online seit 6660 Tagen
        Zuletzt aktualisiert: 9. Dez, 02:03


        Presse/Infos: Mailinglisten des CIRCA: TrainerInnenkollektiv: CIRCA Germany: Gaggles (Kleingruppen) CIRCA Leipzig: Wendlandgaggle:

        BAsic Rebel Clown Training
        Castor 2006
        Castor 2008
        G8 - Clownbarrio
        Theorie des kreativen Widerstands
        Undercover Clownaction
        Weblog abonnieren